220 Intimate & Dirty Questions To Ask Your Husband

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A good time with your husband is what you need to restore intimacy in your marriage. Good and deep conversations are what you need to have a good time, and I have taken my time to compile some wonderful questions to ask your husband. These questions are bound to help you get deep into your husband’s mind, and have some great and fun time with your husband.

Usually, when my husband and I are bored and we don’t want to go out, we ask ourselves fun questions that often spiral into other wonderful conversations, quizzing each other is one of our favorite indoor activities for couples.

What Are Some Fun Questions To Ask Your Husband?

Some fun questions to ask your husband to help spark conversation and deepen your bond include: “will you marry me in your next life, what is your funniest memory when you were younger, what is the most childish thing you have ever done”? These questions is sure to have fun and get to know your husband better.

220 Questions To Ask Your Husband

These questions to ask your husband is a way to know what your partner is thinking, and how far your partner has come. Check out these 200 good questions to ask your husband below.

Fun Questions To Ask Your Husband

Jolly conversations are often accompanied by laughter, so I have compiled an amazing list of questions to ask your husband for fun, and rest assured, they are great questions to ask your husband.

1. When I’m not at home and you are alone, do you shut the door if you’re using the bathroom?

2. What would have been the first thing you would have created if you knew how to build things?

3. What would it be if you had the opportunity to own a collection of something?

4. If you could remove one month from the calendar, which month would it be?

5. If you had the chance to be on one game show, which one would you choose? Wealth or power?

6. Who was your favorite boss?

7. If you had the opportunity to leave your career right now, which other career path would you take instead?

8. Name one celebrity you would love to meet.

9. Let’s say you got lucky and won a million-dollar lottery. What would you do with all that money?

10. What is the one favorite memory of us that you like the most?

11. If you could live forever with me by your side, would you?

12. If we started a duo music group, what would our band name be?

13. What new hobby would you like us both to do together next?

14. If I let you choose my outfit for our next date, what would I be wearing?

15. If we had a pet, what would its name be?

16. Who do you wish we lived closer to?

17. How would you like to spend the rest of our lives when we’re old and wrinkly?

18. Do you check me out when I walk away from you?

19. Is there a memory you have of me that always makes you laugh?

20. Which of our dates is your favorite one?

Deep Questions To Ask Your Husband

These deep questions to ask your husband are very in-depth and are one of the best questions because they will help you get deep into the recesses of his mind and be closer to him in the ways that matter.

1. What were your first words as a child?

2. What did you like the most about where you grew up? What did you like the least?

3. Who was your childhood hero? Why?

4. What or who has influenced your life decisions the most?

5. How have you changed from when you were in high school?

6. What did you dream about being when you grew up?

7. What’s something that delights you in your everyday life?

8. What did you think when you first saw me?

9. What three traits of mine made you fall in love with me?

10. What’s the first image that immediately comes to your mind when you think of me?

11. How have your values changed from ten years ago?

12. What do you see as your best character trait?

13. If you could change one thing about your character, what would it be?

14. Would you consider yourself a pessimist or an optimist?

15. When were you the most disappointed in yourself?

16. When were you the most proud of yourself?

17. Generally speaking, do you like the way you look?

18. If you could change one thing about the way you look, what would it be?

19. Do you put as much effort and emphasis on inner beauty as on outer beauty?

20. If you could have one human talent that you don’t currently have, what would it be?

21. If you had the power to correct one problem in the world, what would you fix?

Intimate Questions To Ask Your Husband

These intimate questions to ask your husband and romantic questions to ask your husband have been wonderfully crafted for you to ask your husband because it brings you closer to him.

1. If you could relive one day together, which would it be?

2. Is our relationship physical enough for you? What would make it better in your eyes?

3. How and where do you like to be touched?

4. Do you have any fantasies you would like fulfilled?

5. What is the closest you’ve ever felt to me?

6. What is the best part of our relationship?

7. My s#xiest feature is…?

8. What song always makes you think of me?

9. Is there anything we haven’t tried that you’d like to?

10. What movie do you think would reflect our relationship?

11. How and when did you know we’d make it as a couple?

12. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your life?

13. What is the best way I can make you feel loved?

14. Have you ever cheated on someone in a past relationship?

15. Has there ever been a time you were close to cheating but decided against it?

16. How many serious relationships have you had in the past?

17. Have you been in love in the past?

18. What was going through your mind on our first date?

Dirty Questions To Ask Your Husband

Want to turn the heat up and have him breathing hard? These dirty questions to ask your husband are the most flirty questions to ask your husband, and juicy questions to ask your husband.

1. Want to try using food as foreplay?

2. Have you ever fantasized about someone else while having s#x?

3. What color underwear would you like to see me in later?

4. Do you like playing music in the background or in silence?

5. How many people have you had s#x with?

6. Do you remember the best org#sm you’ve ever had?

7. Is spanking something you’d like to try with me?

8. Where would you most like to be kissed?

9. Which do you like more—sending dirty texts, or dirty talk in person?

10. Where would you like me to lick you?

11. What is your favorite position?

12. Do you want the lights on when we have s#x?

13. What is your favorite form of foreplay?

14. Do you want to get into the shower with me?

15. Which celebrity turns you on?

16. Do you like when your partner makes the first move?

17. What physical feature in a person turns you on the most?

18. Have you thought about me while pleasuring yourself?

19. Have we done something dirty together in your dreams?

20. Do you mind showing me your kissing skills?

21. What is your favorite lingerie color?

S#x Questions To Ask Your Husband

Want spicy questions that can spice things up and lead to some hot rounds of “hmmm” and “ahhs”? then these s#xy questions to ask your husband should help you achieve that feat.

1. What’s the most reliable way for you to org#sm with a partner?

2. What do you enjoy most when I go down on you?

3. What do you think about when you mast#rbate?

4. Would it turn you on to watch p#rn together?

5. What’s a s#xual act you’ve never done, but want to try?

6. Do you have any fantasies, or f#tishes you’d like to share and/or indulge in?

7. What sort of role play would turn you on most?

8. What d#rty words arouse you the most?

9. If we consent to do whatever we want to each other, what would you want to do to me? What would you want me to do to you?

10. Where would we be if we could be anywhere right now?

11. What would I be wearing right now, if you could see me wearing any outfit?

12. How frequently do you want us to have s#x?

13. What three adjectives would you use to describe my body if you had to?

14. Do you think about me when we are apart?

15. Do you ever remember fantasizing about me before we started dating?

16. If I asked you, would you record yourself mast#rbating and email it to me?

Questions To Ask Your Husband To Reconnect

If it has been a bit dry and you want to reconnect with your spouse, then the questions to ask your husband should be questions to ask your husband to reconnect.

1. What are your favorite qualities of mine and why?

2. What were your hopes and dreams for us as a couple when we first committed to each other?

3. Have we achieved those dreams? If not, which ones would you still like us to go after now?

4. Tell me about a time I made you feel really loved.

5. What kind of things make you feel loved?

6. Is there anything I used to do that you loved that I don’t do anymore?

7. When do you feel the happiest?

8. What’s something weird or unusual that happened in your week?

9. When you think of the next few months, what makes you most excited?

10. When you think of the next few months, what makes you the most nervous or anxious?

11. What’s the best thing about your job right now?

12. What’s a hard thing happening with your job right now?

13. What are you reading or listening to lately? Why do you like it?

14. What have you been watching lately?

15. What’s your best memory of last year?

16. What are three highlights from the last 24 hours?

17. What is the best life advice that you have ever received?

18. If you could change anything about your childhood, what would it be?

19. If you could gain one quality or ability, what would it be?

20. What is one thing that you are really not good at?

Questions To Ask Your Husband On A Date

While you are enjoying his company, you should have questions to ask your husband on a date to infuse fun into your day.

1. If you could relive a year in your life, what age would you choose?

2. What is your favorite memory of us dating?

3. If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in ONLY 3 words?

4. What’s another career that you think you’d love?

5. What was your favorite date you’ve ever had with me?

6. What do you attribute the biggest successes in your life to? How about your largest failures?

7. In what ways are we the same?

8. In what ways are we different?

9. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

10. What is the best compliment that I have ever given you?

11. What do you think makes our relationship unique?

12. Do we spend enough time together or do you feel like we need more quality time together?

13. Do you feel like our communication is good or do we need to work on communicating better with each other?

14. How do you feel when we argue or disagree with each other – does it make you feel uncomfortable or do you feel like it’s healthy for us to express our differing opinions to each other openly and honestly?

15. On a scale from 1-10, how happy are you in our marriage overall and why did you choose that number?

16. When you envision our future, what does it look like?

17. Do you need anything more from me in our s#xual relationship?

18. Do you need anything more from me in our romantic relationship?

19. What in your life makes you feel most grateful?

20. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want to have as a dinner guest?

21. What turns you on most?

22. If you could meet one famous person, who would it be?

23. Where does your self-worth come from?

24. Which of your parents are you most like?

25. What do you believe you are capable of achieving?

Questions To Ask Your Husband After Work

Your husband just came back from work, if he is not too tired, you both should have some quality time together by getting these questions to ask your husband after work. These questions to ask your husband after work will make him feel special and cared for.

1. What made you laugh today?

2. What was the toughest part of your workday?

3. If you could get a do-over on any part of the day, what would you pick?

4. What part of your day made you feel good?

5. If you could do any part of today over again, what would it be?

6. What app did you open most today?

7. How can I make your day easier in 5 minutes?

8. What did you do to take care of yourself today?

9. When did you feel appreciated today?

10. If you could guarantee one thing for tomorrow what would it be?

11. How much coffee did you drink today?

12. How crazy was your day today?

13. How many “fires” did you have to put out today?

Questions To Ask Your Husband About Your Marriage

Questions to ask your husband about your marriage are amazing questions to ask your husband. It helps you see how far you both have come and what has changed, and which marriage goals you have both achieved.

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate me as a partner and as a parent? What would help my current score improve?

2. How has our marriage changed over the past few years?

3. Do you think our marriage has changed for the better or worse?

4. Do you feel safe talking to me about uncomfortable topics?

5. How do I make you feel more comfortable talking about serious topics?

6. Am I supportive or encouraging enough in your endeavors?

7. Is there anything you wish that I would ask you more frequently?

8. Do I make you feel respected, honored, and appreciated?

9. Is there anything I do that causes tension or makes you feel isolated?

10. In what ways can I better handle and resolve conflicts between us?

11. What was the last thing I did for you that you really enjoyed? What made it so pleasant for you?

12. Which of our couple friends or acquaintances do you admire the most? What is it about their relationship that impresses you?

13. What is the best part about being together? How does that make you feel?

14. What makes us a good team? What could we do to be an even better team?

15. When was the last time you felt that I listened to you really well? What would you like us to discuss but have been hesitant to bring up?

Questions To Ask Your Husband To See If He Knows You

Want to test your husband and see if he knows as much as he claims? Then these are serious questions to ask your husband and they double as questions to ask your husband about yourself.

1. What’s my biggest dream?

2. What’s my favorite color?

3. What goals do I want to reach this year?

4. What did I want to be as a kid?

5. What’s my favorite activity to do with you?

6. Where was I born?

7. Which of my siblings is my favorite?

8. What was my favorite trip I’ve taken?

9. Who would I talk to if everything in my life went wrong?

10. What three items would I take if we were stranded on an island?

11. What is my zodiac sign?

12. What is my favorite color?

13. Which foods do I hate to eat?

14. What is the name of my high school best friend?

15. What is my favorite vacation place?

16. What is the color of my eyes? (say without looking into my eyes)?

17. What dress am I most comfortable in?

18. What was the name of my high school?

19. How many first cousins do I have?

20. What is my favorite restaurant?

Questions To Ask Your Husband To See If He Still Loves You

These questions to ask your husband are the most specific questions to ask your husband to see if he still loves you. They are eye-opening.

1. At which point did you know that you’d fallen in love with me?

2. How did you know that you were in love with me?

3. And what does being in love feel like to you?

4. Have you ever had doubts about our relationship? And why? Where did they come from?

5. What’s one thing about love that scares you?

6. Do you believe in love at first sight?

7. Was it love at first sight with me?

8. Which do you agree with? Love should always feel comfortable, or love should always feel new and exciting?

9. What do you think makes people fall out of love?

10. What makes you fall out of love?

11. Do you believe people can change if they love someone?

Final Take On Questions To Ask Your Husband

These questions are deep, insightful, and wonderful; they are great questions to ask your husband. You can tweak the questions or add yours, just have fun. Also, it’s a fun way to spend a good time with your husband and deepen your intimacy.

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