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12 Things I Stopped Doing To Improve My Mental Health

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Improving mental health is a journey that often involves making conscious changes to daily habits and thought patterns. By identifying and eliminating behaviors that contribute to stress and anxiety, it’s possible to cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life. Here are twelve things I stopped doing to improve my mental health.

1. Comparing Myself to Others

Constantly comparing myself to others was a significant source of stress and self-doubt. Whether it was career achievements, physical appearance, or personal milestones, this habit led to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. I realized that everyone’s journey is unique, and comparison only detracts from my own progress.

By focusing on my own goals and celebrating my achievements, I was able to cultivate a sense of self-worth and confidence. Embracing my individuality and recognizing my strengths allowed me to appreciate my journey without the need for comparison.

2. Overcommitting

Saying “yes” to every request or opportunity left me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Overcommitting my time and energy led to burnout and left little room for self-care. I learned that setting boundaries and prioritizing my well-being was essential for maintaining a healthy balance.

By being selective about commitments and learning to say “no” when necessary, I was able to create space for activities that truly mattered to me. This intentional approach allowed me to focus on quality over quantity and reduced stress.

3. Seeking Perfection

The pursuit of perfection was a constant source of anxiety and dissatisfaction. Striving for flawlessness in every aspect of life left me feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. I realized that perfection is an unattainable standard and that embracing imperfection is a more realistic and compassionate approach.

By shifting my focus to progress rather than perfection, I was able to appreciate my efforts and growth. This mindset allowed me to celebrate achievements, learn from mistakes, and cultivate a sense of self-acceptance.

4. Ignoring My Emotions

Suppressing or ignoring my emotions only led to increased stress and emotional turmoil. I realized that acknowledging and processing my feelings was essential for emotional well-being. By allowing myself to experience and express emotions, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of my needs and desires.

Practicing mindfulness and journaling became valuable tools for exploring my emotions. This practice helped me develop emotional resilience and fostered a greater sense of self-awareness.

5. Holding Grudges

Holding onto grudges and resentment only weighed me down and hindered my personal growth. I realized that forgiveness is a powerful tool for healing and moving forward. Letting go of past grievances allowed me to release negative energy and focus on the present.

By practicing forgiveness, I was able to cultivate a sense of peace and freedom. This shift in perspective allowed me to build healthier relationships and prioritize my mental well-being.

6. Neglecting Self-Care

Neglecting self-care left me feeling depleted and disconnected from my needs. I realized that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for maintaining mental health. Prioritizing activities that nurture my mind, body, and spirit became a fundamental part of my routine.

Whether it’s exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature, self-care activities became essential for recharging and rejuvenating. This commitment to self-care allowed me to approach life with greater energy and resilience.

7. Dwelling on the Past

Constantly dwelling on past mistakes or regrets only fueled feelings of guilt and anxiety. I realized that the past cannot be changed, and that focusing on the present is essential for growth and healing. By letting go of the past, I was able to embrace new opportunities and experiences.

Practicing mindfulness and gratitude helped me stay grounded in the present moment. This shift in focus allowed me to appreciate the here and now and fostered a sense of contentment.

8. Seeking External Validation

Relying on external validation for self-worth left me feeling insecure and dependent on others’ opinions. I realized that true confidence comes from within and that self-acceptance is key to mental well-being. By valuing my own opinions and beliefs, I was able to cultivate a sense of inner strength.

Practicing self-compassion and affirmations became valuable tools for building self-esteem. This internal validation allowed me to approach life with greater authenticity and confidence.

9. Multitasking

Constant multitasking left me feeling scattered and unable to fully engage in any one activity. I realized that focusing on one task at a time allowed me to be more present and effective. By prioritizing mindfulness and single-tasking, I was able to reduce stress and improve productivity.

This intentional approach allowed me to fully immerse myself in each experience and fostered a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

10. Neglecting Sleep

Neglecting sleep had a significant impact on my mental and physical health. I realized that quality sleep is essential for cognitive function, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. Prioritizing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a restful environment became crucial for maintaining mental health.

By valuing rest and recovery, I was able to approach each day with greater clarity and energy. This commitment to sleep hygiene allowed me to enhance my mood and resilience.

11. Engaging in Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk only fueled feelings of self-doubt and anxiety. I realized that the way I speak to myself matters and that cultivating a positive inner dialogue is essential for mental well-being. By challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with affirming statements, I was able to build self-confidence.

Practicing self-compassion and gratitude helped me develop a more positive mindset. This shift in perspective allowed me to approach challenges with greater optimism and resilience.

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12. Isolating Myself

Isolating myself from friends and loved ones only exacerbated feelings of loneliness and disconnection. I realized that social connections are vital for emotional support and mental health. Prioritizing meaningful relationships and seeking support became essential for maintaining well-being.

By nurturing connections and engaging in social activities, I was able to build a sense of community and belonging. This commitment to social well-being allowed me to approach life with greater joy and fulfillment.


Improving mental health is an ongoing journey that requires self-awareness and intentional change. By identifying and eliminating behaviors that contribute to stress and anxiety, it’s possible to cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, prioritizing mental well-being is an act of self-love and empowerment.

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